Thursday, September 18, 2008

Adult Meal

Did you just think that I was just pretending to eat my parents' meal?? Thats wrong is you thought that. Thats the portion of my usual lunch/dinner especially when I have soup.

Its an adult's portion, even my mum's portion is smaller than mine. Yeah I eat alot and I love eating !! Who said kids cannot eat so much??

Some new collections from mum and dad

I love this ninja turtle shirt very much. I went shopping with mum one day and when she was browsing at kids clothes department I saw this and straightaway grabbed it. It was the last one hanging there. Mum thought I was pretty behaved that day (FYI she hates to go shopping with me) and the size of the t shirt just right for me. So she bought it to reward my good behave.

Since I got it I wear it almost everyday. Didn't even get a chance to let my mum to wash it. One day mum washed it and hide it from me. I couldn't find it and later I forgot all about it till lately I found it again !! Yeahoo..and yeah I am wearing it every night after shower.

Dad saw this jacket pretty long time already and wanted to buy for me but it wasn't on sale and the price is really expensive. So mum said just leave it. Until one day they were back to the same shop and this jacket was on sale...Straightway they grabbed it for me with good price. We all happy about it...especially my mum because she thought she saved money.

This shoe also on sale...very very low price...mum didn't think much but just bought it.

My new sandals for this summer !! Also mum bought it with sale price. SHe always wanted to buy this kind of sandals for me because its really really good quality but its always expensive. She was lucky to find it again with way much cheaper price.

She is a real good bargain !! In total, we saved alot of money.

I just love the way I sleep...Do you care much?

Mum always check out the way I sleep. No need to say much, as you can see she took pictures of me when I was sleeping..she is crazy..she got nothing better to do or she maybe like to spy on me. Who knows??? Scary mum yeah??