Saturday, April 11, 2009

New Winter Clothes

Mum went to shopping 2 days ago to look for presents for Amani's new born sister. She was supposed to buy a toy for her but ended up at kids clothes area that is currently on sale.

She spent an hour only at this department anf finally she got 5 items and spent less than $100.

She was not intend to buy me anything but she saw these two jackets and she loved them very much and couldn't resist to buy them even there are kinda expensive. Normally mum would not spend more than $25 for one item but this time was exceptional.

Jack & Milly's Spring Jacket - my daddy loves it so much and he wishes this jacket has his size also.

Jack & Milly's winter jumber

Bonds winter jumpsuit for Janna

Sprout winter jump suit for Janna

Sprout 2 set summer wear for Janna also. Mum loves the shorts. Isn't it cute? And of course she wishes she has a daughter now to wear all these beautiful dresses !!

Pinic at the Park

During the Easter long weekend break shopping centres closes on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Its not much things you could do except going to park.

Remember one of my friend name Amani? She got curly hair with big big eyes and looks like a princess? She got a baby sister name now since end of March. So we went to visit the family yesterday. Its been nearly a year that we did not see this family and Amani has grown up so much and she talks now !

The new born baby name Janna. Amanin's mum told my mum that Amani has been very very jealous since her sister was born. She wants all the attention from her parents. Whnever her mum breastfeeding her sister she would ask for things for example she wants to go to toilet, she wants this or that.

Anyway perhaps in 2 weeks time you will see the new Amani and her new sister because shes gonna have her 3rd birthday party on 19th Apr and as usual we are invited. Last year her birthday party was held at MacDonands but this year is different location and we are going to have jumping castle !! wow cant wait !

And tomorrow we are invited to another family's home for BBQ as they just moved recently and the new place has a big backyard with swimming pool. Im so looking forward for tomorrow as I am going to jump into the pool !

Oh well as mentioned earlier since shops are closed so my daddy reckon the streets are quiet too so he decided not to go to work but take us to a park for a little pinic.

So mum quickly made some sandwich and pasta. Bought some pack of chips, biscuits with avocado dip, etc. We went to this park that is near to airport and its a huge park that is good for BBQ and to held any parties or functions.

I took my bicycle there but I forgot to bring my ball because there is a huge area to play ball.
This is my daddy's taxi.

This is the most fav spot for all kids of the park ! Even my dad tried this too !

Mum and Aya !

Me, uncle Ali, Aya, Baby Haidar and daddy

Mum was shock to see my jump off from this height !

This is baby Haidar (Aya's brother). He is a very cute baby ! He smiles all the time and he is a very very friendly baby that is why my mum loves him dearly and hardly get off from him.

Easter ACtivities

Due to long weekend because of Good Friday and Easter Monday we had the Easter Party held on Thursday at the childcare. We had lots of easter egg chocolate everywhere for kids to hunt. And we had games to play, face painting and lots of food to eat.

Everyyear parents should make a hat for their kids to attend the party. It is not necessary but its a traditional. Last year mum did make a hat and she posted on the blog too. A yellowish hat with lots of chicks on it? This year she was abit lazy and she couldnt find anything to make it so she did not make one for me !~!!

Lucky my career is nice enough to make one for me so I won't feel left out.

Aya's family came to my place for BBQ and we were having Easter Buuny Chocolate that was a gift from my mum's friend. The bunny is huge so we only had half of it. We had great time together. Oh yeah forgot to tell you Aya is a funny girl. She calls me "baby baby" !! Mind you I am one year older than her but somehow she thinks I am baby. Cute !

Watson Bay

Few Sunday ago my parents decided to take me out for abit of drive. So mum suggested to go to a place called Watson Bay where she has been there many years ago.
It was really nice up there as you can see the blue blue sky.
Also coincidencely I met my old friends there as well. They are Zain and Alysha who were in the same childcare with me when I was baby time. We seperated about 2 years ago as we are grown up and we have to transfer to a bigger centre that for bigger kids. I have been transfered to a different location than them as it depends where our parents choose to be.
Mum was very happy to see Zain and Alysha as both of them we my mum's favourate kids whenI first enrolled to the childcare. I couldn't really recognise them anymore but they do recognise me. Alysha used to be my close buddy as well coz we are about the same age and mum reckon she is a very very pretty arabic girl with very modern fashion sense. Sorry no pic this time but mum did posted a blog of my group photos taken in childcare of each year. You can find Alysha on the group photo of year 2006.
So we spent abit of time playing around again like no stranger to each other. When the time to say good bye Alysha called out "Don't go Adam!" Mum thought how sweet she always !!
It is always nice to meet some old buddies. I would love to see them again.
So after Watson Bay we went to have sushi dinner in the city. We were very hungry and we ate alot of sushi...especially my parents and they love it so much. I love sushi too especially the deep fried prawns one and the raw salmon. When I first time tried the raw salmon one I felt funny feeling in my mouth. And I told my mum " mama, the fish still moving in my mouth" !! Mum laughed out loud and she thought I was just joking. But not really... I really felt like the salmon still alive and moving in my mouth !!