Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter ACtivities

Due to long weekend because of Good Friday and Easter Monday we had the Easter Party held on Thursday at the childcare. We had lots of easter egg chocolate everywhere for kids to hunt. And we had games to play, face painting and lots of food to eat.

Everyyear parents should make a hat for their kids to attend the party. It is not necessary but its a traditional. Last year mum did make a hat and she posted on the blog too. A yellowish hat with lots of chicks on it? This year she was abit lazy and she couldnt find anything to make it so she did not make one for me !~!!

Lucky my career is nice enough to make one for me so I won't feel left out.

Aya's family came to my place for BBQ and we were having Easter Buuny Chocolate that was a gift from my mum's friend. The bunny is huge so we only had half of it. We had great time together. Oh yeah forgot to tell you Aya is a funny girl. She calls me "baby baby" !! Mind you I am one year older than her but somehow she thinks I am baby. Cute !

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