Saturday, May 30, 2009 !!!

A picture with my dad today before he left for work. Look at my dad's mustach I always told my mum that the cockcroch will come out from his mustach.

Heee hahhhh !!! I am dancing !

Yeap..another candy shoot of my sleeping pose. ---> finger pointng at mum !!

Do you like Octupus?

My mum normally will go to market every second weekend to buy fresh seafood, fruits and vegetables for a week or so because there are cheap and fresh.

This morning mum and I went to market as usual and she saw some nice octupus therefore she got some. And she bought a couple of calamari too.

This is not the first time that I saw or even eat the octupus and calamari. But everytime I am still fascinating about them. They are funny creatures. I like to eat calamari more than octupus because octupus is abit too hard and chewy.

My 1st Pet - Stick Inset

Last weekend when my grandma came to my house she brought me a friend - stick insect !
At first I did not see what she was carrying because its hard to tell there is an insect in there. The stick insect is quite small, thin and its color looks like the branches.
By the time I saw it I was pretty excited because never seen such cute little insect in my life. My grandma told me that one day while she was driving she saw this insect was sticking on a car that infront of my grandma's car. The car is black color and that is why my grandma could see it although her eye sight is not that well.
When they stopped at red light grandma came out from her car and ran to the car infront of her and grab the insect and popped back to her car. She thought people around must have wondered what was going on.
Grandma also tried to put the insect on my arm. At first I was hesitate to allow her to do so but I agreed eventually. So the insect was moving on my arm and suddenly it moved up to my shoulder then further up to my ear then came to my face.
I started to scream while it stayed around my ear and screamed for it to stop but I couldn't stop it and I was too scare and I ran everywhere around the house and kpet jumping and screaming but the insect still kept moving up to my eyes.
Mum, grandma and daddy were just watching me like a money business and laughing at me. Finally they scared me will hurt the insect and have rescued it by taking away from me. Phewww that wasn't funny at all.
The next morning when I woke up the first thing was to check on the insect to see if its still there. It wasn't. So I rant to mum who was still asleep and told her about it. When she got up we were looking around tryt o find it. But mum remember grandma told her that the insect likes to stay up on the ceiling so she looked up and there it is !!!
Mum took it and put him down to the basket that filled with leaves as its food. Then the next morning again it was up on the ceiling. Mum just leave it as it seems that it likes to be up there.