Sunday, May 25, 2008


I sometimes have abit of difficulty in saying some particular words.
For example,

1) I once wanted to say to go to LIBRARY, but instead I said I want to go to STRAWBERRY

2) I was watching Harry Potter and popo kept telling me the name of the movie but I could only say it as " Helicopter"

I was abit shy when seeing mum and popo laughed at me. But now I have these two particular words pronouced perfectly correct. Popo sometimes kinda tricky and tried to confuse me and lead me to say it wrong but I learnt the lesson and I know which one is correct.

My First Cooking Experience

Mum was pretty annoyed by me most of the time when she is busy getting dinner ready for us. I always asked alot of things, for example, keep asking to watch Ninja, cartoon, and keep asking for lollies, chocolate of Yogurt. Its always the same request. Well these are my favourites.

She tried not to get mad at me and want me to be settled abit so today she came out the idea of letting me to COOK !! She asked me "Adam, do you want to cook?" What do you think of my answer? Of course Yes !! I stopped asking this and that and straightaway grabbed my chair and stood infront of the stove.

I like cooking and I wish I can cook like my mum does in the future. So I guess she should let me to learn how to cook from now. Today I cooked chinese gabbage stir fry with garlic and oyster sauce. One of my fav vegetable also. So satisfied when I had my dinner today.

My First Swim Class

Today I started my first swimming lesson. I was totally terrified. I love the water but I just scare to get in there. I actually love it but hesitated for some reason. I guess every kid will scare to swim for the first time.

My class started at 10am and in my group I have another trainee also who are abit younger than me. My trainer is Patrick.

10 minutes before the class start dad took my to the change room and take off my clothes and I started to cry out lout. The whole centre could hear me and mum was so smart and she just walked away from me and daddy.

Lucky it wasn't only myself crying. Both other trainees in my groups also cried. Really we were terrified. The girl even shaken....not sure it was because cold or scared.

But I think I will love to swim eventually though I really scared. Thank god the lesson was only 30minutes but it seemed forever.

Daddy bought me some lollies after the class to reward me being brave. I loved it and so happy.
And mum made a very nice morning tea with melted cheese sandwich and a hard boiled egg. I was pretty hungry and weak after the terrible moment.