Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dinner with friends @ Pancakes on the rock

The first day of Eid I got friends came over to my place to have breakfast after we prayed at the Mosque.

Then at night we decided to have dinner together in the city as well. I was so looking forward to it because I got to see my friends again.

We had dinner at pancakes on the rock..with 4 kids of was kinda a mess and my mum was very furious about usual.

Anyhow, I had a great time with my friends. We joke around and laughed together with the silly things that we did together. Even mum was silly too. One of my friend said want to go over the otherside of the harbour. Mum told her she can only swim across. And the girl said no I scare there are sharks there. And mum replied no darling no shark at all, only prawns so dont worry ! We all laughed out loud though I didn't quite understand what did they say.

My mum's new hair cut

Look she got a new look with this short hair. She looks funny though. Not sure when will be my turn to have my hair cut but this time I heard my parents said that they won't cut my hair real short anymore because they still prefer I look better with longer hair...not like long long hair but just longer !

My new clothes for Eid ( Hari Raya )

Every year my parents have to buy new clothes for Eid ( hari raya ). Based on my dad's culture it is a MUST to buy new clothes for the kids and based on my mum's culture normally yes parents WILL buy new clothes for kids for new year. So both parents also have the similar culture though they both came from very different background.
This year I got more new clothes becaues my gong gong (grandpa) was here. When my parents took him to shopping he wasn't hesitated at all and grabbed me many T shirt that my parents got to stop him. Gong gong got me my fav which are the spinderman t shirt, the ninja t shirt, the wiggle t shirt and a normal t shirt.
My dad also got me a set of Superman summer pajamas and mum got me the cute monkeys pajamas. I love all those characters clothes especially the superman because it was my most latest favourate.