Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend Away Day 2 @ Timbertown

The second day we visited a place called Timbertown which is just about 2 minutes drive from our hotel. The reason we had this weekendaway is all because mum wanted to come to this place because she saw it on the tv where a program called Sydney Weekender that has introduced this place. It has been long time since mum found out about this place and finally we made it there.

This place is all about history from 1889 until I dont remember when. History may sound bored to you but this place was pretty fun !! We had a ride on the steam train ! Check it out !

We arrived at the entrance. So excited about it...not me...but my mum !!

Yup The Billabong Koala Hospital...been there...nice !

Yummi chocolate factory !! We bought some chocolate...very nice....this kind of chocolate can't find it outside any retail shop. There are expensive though but taste very special. Sorry no photo coz finished.

This is the train we are talking about !! Quite expensive ride.

Who took this photo for my parents?? WHO WHO WHO??? Whoelse?? of course me Adam !! They are very proud of me.

Another thing that mum so excited about was when she saw her name on this kitchen block.

Look..another photo taken by me !!!

I was hungry and having my toasted cheese sandwich

Dooo DOoo !!!! we are going for a ride !!! Doooo Doooo !!!

This they called bullock. They were the priority animal for work. In old time there were no trucks or trailer. So this bulls will pull anything and work as like slaves.

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