Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Lights are everywhere !

It's the time of the year for the biggest celebration all over the world. However this time was the first time that I got to see so many Christmas lights and I was so excited about it.

Manh houses, apartments and units are decoated with those beautiful twinkles lights and creatures!!! Sometimes at night when mum and I couldn't sleep she will took me for a drive to look for the Christmas lights in our local area.

Everytime I saw a house with the lights I would say to my mum that " Thank you mama, thank you for taking me to see my Christmas lights". Mum was abit of surprise but impressed of what I said to her.

Sometime she would spent half an hour just to drive around to look for the lights and it was fun.
Hope you like those lights as well from the photos below.

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