Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cricket Day

My grandma hardly buy me toys...I mean children toys. This is because she thought toys is really a waste especially I do not really play it gently but most of the time the toy will be broken in a short time. She hates to see me having a gun, knife, or something that could consider as VIOLENCE !

But lately she bought me few toys. There are healthy toys. Why I called them healthy toys because these toys make your move alot and everyone can enjoy to play together as well. So she bought me a set of cricket though none of us really know how to play but just to throw a ball by a person and another person will hit the ball, and the 3rd person will run to catch the ball.

Too bad I want to hit the ball all the time because I want to hold the bat, and most of the time I missed the hit ! They thought the ball was too small for me to hit therefore they swap a children size of plastic basketball for me to hit which much bigger than baseball. But still very hard to spot it. I guess I hit the ball 5 times out of 20?

It was nice that everyone was on the greenish field and enjoying every move even we could not, or I should say they could not really play the cricket in a proper way. Most they did was just throw the ball to me and then run to catch the ball to throw to me again because I hardly hit it.

I am getting ready for an ACTION !!!!!!!!!!!

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